En studieretningsopgaven fra 2018 skrevet på 2.G i fagene Matematik og Engelsk.
Opgaven titel er: Matematik og engelsk
Opgaveformulering er:
Uddrag fra opgaven:
This paper examines the number of combinatorics behind the Enigma. Combinatorics was a mathematical discipline, and the combinatorics was used by the Germans under world war 2 to their machine Enigma. Enigma was used by the Germans under the second world war, to encrypt all their data. In Greek Enigma means “riddle”, which was the meaning with the machine Enigma. The Germans regarded also their machine as unbreakable, but Alan Turing and his team broke the Enigma code by using the machine “Christopher”.
The Germans used only 10 leads out of 13 leads from the machine Enigma, which were 158.962.555.217.826.360.000 combinatorics.
This paper examines also an analysis of how Alan Turing used the gathered information, sow the Allied finally could win the war, which shorten the war with approximately 2-4 years.
This paper will focus on analyzing the movie “The Imitation Game”, and also focus on analyzing Alan´s character in the movie.
The paper examines also how the English society look on the homosexuals today, since it was illegal, to be homosexual under the world war 2.
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